Christian Misconceptions
The purpose of this website is to correct Christian misconceptions.
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We forgive people in the same way that God has forgiven us. Math 6.12, Math 6.14‑15, Ephes 4.32, Col 3.13. In other words, we forgive people if they repent & their repentance is sincere. Luke 17.3‑4, Acts 26.20. When Jesus was on the cross he forgave the crowd & the authorities even though they didn’t repent. Luke 23.34. The reason for this is because the crowd & the authorities were acting out of ignorance. Acts 3.17. The same thing could be said about the people who killed Stephen. John 16.2, Acts 7.60. Repentance was the first message of John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, the disciples, Peter on the day of Pentecost, & Paul. Math 3.2, Math 4.17, Mark 6.12, Acts 2.38, Acts 26.19‑20. This message is something they continued to preach throughout their lives. Luke 13.3, Luke 13.5, Acts 3.19, Acts 17.30, 2 Peter 3.9. (Jesus continued to preach about this after his resurrection. Luke 24.47). In the Old Testament there’s a good example of repentance & forgiveness. The brothers of Joseph had treated him very badly & sold him into slavery. Gen 37. Several years later they all repented & so Joseph forgave them. Gen 50.15‑21. Another example of this principle can be found in the parable of the unforgiving servant. Math 18.32‑33. The story of Paul & Alexander in 2 Tim 4 is very revealing. The apostle Paul had a serious grievance against a man called Alexander. Paul was expecting God to take revenge on Alexander. 2 Tim 4.14. We need to emulate Paul & ask God to avenge us if we’ve been abused. 1 Cor 4.16, 1 Cor 11.1, Phil 3.17, Phil 4.9, Psalm 28.4, Prov 20.22, Luke 18.7‑8 KJV, Rom 12.19. The only time we have to forgive anyone is when they act out of ignorance or they repent. Math 18.15‑17, Luke 17.3‑4.
There are qualifying conditions for getting your prayers answered. You must be asking for something that’s in accordance with God’s will. 1 John 5.14. You must have faith. Mark 11.22‑24. You must be kind to your spouse. 1 Peter 3.7. You must be obeying God. 1 John 3.22. You must cover your head if you’re a woman. 1 Cor 11.5. You must uncover your head if you’re a man. 1 Cor 11.4. You must be living a righteous life. Prov 15.29, James 5.16, 1 Peter 3.12. You must have the right motives. James 4.1‑3. You must keep your prayers short. Ecc 5.2, Math 6.7‑8. You must help the poor Prov 21.13, & you mustn’t have sin in your heart. Psalm 66.18‑19.
King David refused to offer God a sacrifice that cost him nothing. 2 Sam 24.24. Praising Jesus is a sacrifice that costs Christians nothing. Heb 13.15. It’s easy to acknowledge Jesus with our words; even the demons can do that. Luke 4.41. The way we acknowledge Jesus is with our actions, & the way we deny Jesus is with our actions. James 2.26, Titus 1.16. Praising Jesus shouldn't be our first priority. Prov 21.3, Amos 5.23‑24. The first priority is preaching the gospel, & the second priority is helping the poor. Mark 16.15, James 1.27, 1 Cor 15.58. (Preaching the gospel & helping the poor aren't mutually exclusive).
Jesus told us not to judge others but he was referring to hypocrisy. Math 7.1‑5. Paul told us not to judge others but he was referring to food. Rom 14. James told us not to judge others but he was referring to slander. James 4.11‑12. (There are several warnings in the Bible about slander. Psalm 101.5, Ephes 4.31, Titus 3.2, 1 Peter 2.1). Paul told us to rebuke sinful behaviour, but in order to do that we have to make judgments & highlight what’s evil. Ephes 5.11, 1 Tim 5.20. We need to be cautious about making judgments if we don’t have all the facts. 1 Cor 4.5. However, we have the necessary facts to judge people who murder the innocent, & abuse children. 1 Tim 5.24.
Sin is relative. Luke 7.47, John 19.11, 1 John 5.16‑17. Many Christians can’t accept this because they misunderstand James 2.10. When we sin we’re not breaking every law in a literal sense, but we are transgressors of the law. James 2.11, 1 John 3.4. We’re all sinners but it’s assessed on a sliding scale. Luke 7.36‑50. Christ died for the ungodly, but not everyone falls into that category. Rom 5.6, Luke 5.31‑32, Luke 15.7. The Old Testament law was for the ungodly & not for the righteous. 1 Tim 1.9. There are numerous people in the Bible who are called righteous: Noah, Lot, Job, Daniel, Joseph, Zechariah, Elizabeth, Simeon, Cornelius. Ezek 14.20, Math 1.19, Luke 1.6, Luke 2.25, Acts 10.22, 2 Peter 2.7‑8. We’re all sinners & Jesus is the atonement for the sins of the world. Ecc 7.20 NIV, Rom 3.23, 1 John 2.2. Through the cross we can all be reconciled to God. Rom 5.10, 2 Cor 5.19, Col 1.20.
In Context
Our righteous deeds are like filthy rags is the most abused verse in the Old Testament. Isaiah 64.6. This verse is referring to the Jewish exiles & the way it’s been taken out of context is satanic. The Jewish exiles were alienated from God because of their disobedience. Jer 7, Jer 8. God rejected that generation of Jews & they remained in exile for seventy years. Jer 7.29, Jer 29.10. Let’s stop taking Isaiah 64.6 out of context. Let’s live holy lives & have confidence that our righteous deeds are pleasing to God. Heb 12.14, 1 Peter 1.15‑16, Psalm 5.12, Psalm 11.7 RSV, Psalm 146.8, Titus 2.11‑14, Rev 19.8 RSV.
Grace & Faith
We’re saved by grace through faith is the most abused verse in the New Testament. Ephes 2.8. We don’t have a licence to sin after we’ve been saved, & we’ll fall from God’s grace if we lead a sinful life. Rom 6.1‑2, Rom 6.15, 2 Cor 6.1, Heb 12.15. We’re all going to be held accountable for what we do & what we say. Math 12.36-37, Math 16.27 RSV, John 5.28‑29, Rom 2.6‑11, 2 Cor 5.10, Gal 6.7‑8, Ephes 6.8, Col 3.25, 1 Peter 1.17, Rev 22.12. That’s why there are so many references in the New Testament concerning the moral law. Math 19.16‑19, Rom 13.8‑10, 1 Cor 7.19, Gal 5.14, Ephes 4.28, Ephes 6.1‑3, Heb 13.4. If we obey the law of Christ then the outcome of our faith is salvation. Gal 6.2, Heb 5.9, James 2.8, 1 Peter 1.9. If we don’t obey the law of Christ, then our faith is in vain, & our salvation will be lost. Luke 6.46, 1 Cor 15.2, 2 Cor 13.5, Heb 6.4‑8, Heb 10.26‑31, 2 Peter 2.20‑22.
Men & Women
Women should stay out of the pulpit & should obey their husbands. 1 Cor 14.34‑35, 1 Tim 2.11‑12, Ephes 5.24, Col 3.18. If they did that then the divorce rate wouldn’t be so high. Men are to love their wives. Ephes 5.25, Col 3.19. This needs further comment because love has become an empty word. This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. 1 John 3.16. If love is genuine then it will manifest itself in actions. Rom 12.9.
People die from a lack of discipline. Prov 5.23. We need discipline to exercise self-control, to train ourselves to be godly, to endure hardship, & to turn away from sin. 1 Cor 9.24‑27 RSV, 1 Tim 4.7, 2 Tim 2.3, 2 Tim 2.19. In the Epistles we’re told that Christians will experience suffering & persecution. Phil 1.29, 2 Tim 3.12, 1 Peter 2.21. That was true when the Epistles were written, but it’s not really true today. We all face problems that challenge us & life can be difficult. If we’re complaining about our problems all the time, then we’re not very good ambassadors for Christ. 2 Cor 5.20.
God’s Image
We’re made in God’s image, but do we resemble God? Gen 1.26. God doesn’t show favouritism & we’re told not to show favouritism. Rom 2.11, James 2.9. God doesn’t judge by appearances & we’re told not to judge by appearances. 1 Sam 16.7, John 7.24. God hates evil & we’re told to hate evil. Heb 1.9, Psalm 97.10. God hates lying & we’re told not to lie. Prov 12.22, Col 3.9. God is merciful & we’re told to be merciful. Micah 7.18, Luke 6.36. God is slow to anger & we’re told to be slow to anger. Joel 2.13, James 1.19‑20. God is good & we’re told to be good. Psalm 100.5, Gal 6.10. God is love & we’re told to show love. 1 John 4.8, 1 John 3.11. God is righteous & we’re told to be righteous. 1 John 3.7, Titus 2.12 KJV. God is holy & we’re told to be holy. 1 Peter 1.15‑16, 2 Peter 3.11. God is pure & we’re told to purify ourselves. 1 John 3.3, Math 5.8. God is just & we’re told to practise justice. Jer 9.24, Micah 6.8.
Tithing doesn’t apply to Christians today. Heb 7.5,12,18. We’re told to share what we have with our preachers, but that’s to ensure that their basic needs are met. 1 Cor 9, Gal 6.6. If your preacher has a comfortable lifestyle, then use some common sense & don’t give your preacher anything.
Holy Spirit
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control. Gal 5.22-23. The majority of professed Christians don’t have these qualities, because the Holy Spirit is only given to people who obey God. Acts 5.32.
In Christ
Nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ. Rom 8.39. Our sins are forgiven in Christ. Ephes 1.7. We have eternal life in Christ. Rom 6.23. There’s no condemnation in Christ. Rom 8.1. There’s peace in Christ. John 16.33. We’re strong in Christ. Ephes 6.10. We’re one in Christ. Gal 3.28. We’re a new creation in Christ. 2 Cor 5.17. We’re sealed by the Holy Spirit in Christ. Ephes 1.13. We’re made righteous in Christ. 2 Cor 5.21. In Colossians 2.6 it talks about living in Christ & in John 15 it talks about abiding in Christ. Living in Christ & abiding in Christ both mean obedience. 1 John 3.24. It’s not possible to have a relationship with Christ unless we obey him. Luke 6.46, John 14.23, John 15.14, 1 John 2.3‑4.
Some of the people that Jesus had a relationship with doubted him, abandoned him, betrayed him, denied him, disbelieved him & tried to destroy his Church. Math 11.2‑3, Math 26.56, Luke 22.48, Luke 22.61, Luke 24.11, Gal 1.13. Jesus had mercy on all of these people & didn’t condemn them. The same mercy is available to everyone who turns to him. Psalm 118.1 KJV.
Helping The Poor
Sodom & Gomorrah weren’t destroyed by God just because of their sexual immorality. Gen 19. The people living there had also incurred God’s wrath because they weren’t helping the poor. Ezek 16.49‑50. We’re constantly told in the Bible to share what we have with the poor. Lev 19.9‑10, Luke 3.10‑11, 1 John 3.17‑18. When we share our money, time, food, clothing & accommodation with those in need it pleases God. Heb 13.16. (Pleasing God should be the objective of everyone. 2 Cor 5.9, Ephes 5.10, 1 Thess 4.1). If we don’t share what we have with the poor there will be eternal consequences. Math 25.31‑46, Luke 16.19‑31. Jesus told us to store up treasure in heaven & we do that by meeting the needs of the poor. Math 6.19‑21, Math 19.21, Luke 12.33‑34.
Situational Ethics
How many people would deny their faith if their life was at stake? In the book of Daniel there are three men who ended up in a furnace rather than deny their faith. Daniel 3. In contrast to those three men is the story of a soldier called Naaman. 2 Kings 5. Naaman had faith in God, but he was going to bow down to an idol because of circumstances outside of his control. Naaman explained the situation to a prophet of God & the prophet told him to go in peace. Naaman was going to bow down to an idol because of circumstances outside of his control, but he was shown understanding by a prophet of God.
David was a man after God’s own heart but he told lies. Acts 13.22. (He told lies because of his circumstances). David told a lie that resulted in the death of hundreds of men, women, children & livestock. 1 Sam 21.1‑6, 1 Sam 22.18‑19. Jesus made a comment about this incident, but he didn’t say anything negative about David’s lying. Mark 2.25‑26.
Jesus told us to turn the other cheek & pray for people who abuse us. Math 5.39, Luke 6.28. When Jesus was hit in the face he didn’t turn the other cheek or pray for the person who abused him. Jesus was constrained in his response because he had to fulfil scripture, but he still challenged the man who hit him. Isaiah 53.7, Math 26.53‑56, John 18.23. Jesus made it clear to Pilate that had the circumstances been different, his followers would have been ready to fight. John 18.36.
The apostles told us to obey the authorities, but they didn’t follow their own teaching. Rom 13.1‑7, Titus 3.1, Heb 13.17, 1 Peter 2.13. When the authorities told the apostles to stop preaching about Christ they refused. Peter said we must obey God rather than men. Acts 5.29.
Paul said we mustn’t curse people if they persecute us. Rom 12.14. Paul didn’t follow his own teaching, because when he was being persecuted in Jerusalem he cursed someone. Acts 23.1‑5.
Paul said may I never boast except in the cross of Jesus Christ. Gal 6.14. He wasn’t able to achieve his objective because of his circumstances. Paul had to defend his status as an apostle, & the only way he could do that was by boasting about his suffering, visions, & miracles. 2 Cor 11, 2 Cor 12.
There are people in heaven from every religion & every philosophy. There are people in heaven who had a zeal for God but they didn’t know Jesus. Rom 10.2. There are people in heaven who had a clear conscience but they didn’t know Jesus. Rom 2.13‑16. No one can come to Jesus unless they’re drawn by God & the ways of God are inscrutable. John 6.44, Rom 11.33. There are aspects of truth in every religion & in every philosophy, but the truth can only be found in Jesus Christ. John 8.31‑32.